Self-Guided Walks

Women's Walking Network Linford Wood - Media.jpg

Download or print one of our self-guided walks and explore new areas of Milton Keynes and its environs.

We are delighted that Milton Keynes has been awarded 3rd place for The Ramblers Britain's Best Walking Neighbourhood. There were 80 nominations so what an amazing result for Milton Keynes.

We are pleased to share the Rambler's walking routeWalk around Milton Keynes, using redways away from the main roads, and enjoy great views from the Light Pyramid. Download the pdf of the walking route. 

Give the Pilgrim's Trail a try, linear route connecting Bradwell Abbey to the place where Snelshall Priory was sited.


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Northern Park Routes
Great Linford Manor Park 2.7 Miles
This is a figure of eight walk, including a linear section either side of the Grand Union Canal. It starts and finishes at the same car park.The walking is easy, along good quality footpaths and red ways. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for wheelchair users as there is one set of steps.
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North Loughton Valley Park 2.5 Miles
This is an elongated circular walk, finishing back at the Discovery Centre. The entire route is within The North Loughton Valley Park.The walking is easy along footpaths and red ways, but because one section takes you over a stepped railway bridge it is not suitable for wheelchair users.
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Ouse Valley - Cosgrove 2.6 - 4.1 Miles
This is a circular walk, along a footpath and short section of canal towpath via Manor Farm to the Iron Trunk Aqueduct on the Grand Union Canal, then back via a different footpath along the River Ouse. There is also an option to increase the length of your walk by heading north from the Iron Trunk Aqueduct along the Grand Union Canal towpath to the village of Cosgrove and the Barley Mow pub, then retracing your steps back to the Iron Trunk Aqueduct to rejoin the circular walk.Throughout, the walking is easy, along well-maintained hard footpaths, and a canal towpath. Unfortunately, two sets of steep steps must be negotiated, so the walk is not wheelchair friendly.Some of the walk is through the floodplain of the River Ouse so footpaths may be impassable when river levels are high.
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Stony Stratford - Passenham 3.4 Miles
This is a figure of eight walk, taking in part of the Ouse Valley Park, the small settlement of Passenham and Stony Stratford town centre. It starts and finishes at the same car park. The walking is mostly easy, along hard core footpaths of reasonable quality, but sections across meadow land make it unsuitable for wheelchair users.
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Tree Cathedral - Campbell Park Tree Walk 3 Miles
This is a circular walk, starting by a walk through the Tree Cathedral up to Willen Park and along part of the Grand Union Canal into Campbell Park from the Cricket Pavilion end and walk around the park, taking in City Gardens, Beacon viewing point, and the Woodland Ridge back to Newlands and the Tree Cathedral. The walk is steep in parts around Campbell Park, sections through Woodland Ridge can be muddy and robust walking footwear is recommended.
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Willen Lake North 4.2 Miles
This is a circular walk with a linear excursion up and down a short stretch of the Grand Union Canal. It finishes at the same car park.The walking is along footpaths of varying quality from hardcore to gravel, red ways and bark bridleways. The nature of some of the footpaths together with one or two inclines means the walk is unfortunately not suitable for wheelchair users.
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Woolstone - Campbell Park Art Trail 2.9 Miles
This is a figure of eight walk beginning and ending at the same car park in Woolstone, and taking in Campbell Park and much of its art trail.The walking is along good quality hardcore footpaths and red ways. There are a few inclines but the walk is suitable for wheelchair users.
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Eastern Park Routes
Howe Park Wood - Tattenhoe Valley Park 2.7 Miles
This is a circular walk, finishing at the same car park.The walking is along footpaths, red ways and bridleways, but in wetter weather some of the route may suffer from muddy conditions or cross very soggy sections of bark path, so wheelchair users could find the going difficult at certain times.
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Lodge Lake - Loughton - Teardrop Lakes 4.7 Miles
This is an hourglass-shape walk, with a short stretch in Loughton being retraced on both outward and inward journeys. The walking is easy along footpaths and red ways, and should be accessible throughout the year - including for wheelchairusers - although there is a short optional climb via a footpath to a viewpoint above the Teardrop Lakes. There are
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Shenley Wood - North Bucks Way 2.5 Miles
This is a circular walk, finishing at the same car park. It does pass through the Oakhill and Medbourne housing areas, but at all times along routes flanked by trees or hedges.The walking is along footpaths of varying quality, red ways and bridleways. In wetter weather some of the route suffersfrom muddy conditions, so suitably robust footwear is recommended. The nature of some of the footpaths together with one or two inclines means the walk is unfortunately not suitable for wheelchair users.
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Western Park Routes
Ouzel Valley Park 2.8 Miles
This is a circular walk, along footpaths, red ways and a canal towpath. The walking is easy and accessible year round. It is wheelchair friendly, although there is one incline at the beginning of the trail which could present problems for some manual wheelchair users.
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Walton Lake - Caldecotte Lake 2.6 Miles
This is a “figure of eight” walk, finishing at the same Walton Lake car park.The walking is easy along firm footpaths. There is one minor incline, and a single flight of steps to be negotiated if access to the Grand Union Canal is desired.
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