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Lewis Dickinson, Biodiversity Officer at The Parks Trust running wildflower workshop in the parks
Career Inspiration for Students

Are you discussing career options with your students?

We have created a fully resourced lesson all about careers at The Parks Trust and created some careers videos to give your students and insight into some of the different job roles that exist at The Parks Trust. 

We have created a series of careers cards by interviewing members of The Parks Trust team and asking them to share information on what their role involves, what they did when they left school and what skills are needed for their job. We hope these resources help to inspire your class with options for their future career paths. 

In our careers videos our staff tell you about their jobs, the best and worst parts and what attracted them to working for The Parks Trust as an organisation. The videos can be used in a variety of ways; as part of form time discussion about the importance of charities, as a way of showing the variety of job roles that exist within an organisation, or to help students complete the careers lesson worksheet. 

Let your students explore the different job roles within the charity to understand how different skills and passions have helped to create our diverse workforce.

Download and view the career inspiration resources below. 

Assistant Biodiversity Officer

Watch the interview with Alison Harrell and learn more about her role as an Assistant Biodiversity Officer at The Parks Trust. This role involves improving The Parks Trust land for nature including creating new habitats for wildlife and surveying local species.

Landscape Maintenance Technician

Meet Charlie Healy who is a member of The Parks Trust's Direct Works team. Our Landscape Maintenance Technicians play a key role in helping to maintain Milton Keynes' parks and green spaces.

Recreation & Volunteer Engagement Coordinator

Watch the interview with David Lewis and learn more about his role at The Parks Trust. The Recreation & Volunteer Engagement Coordinator looks after our volunteers and organises recreational activities in the parks such as cycling, running and walking.

Senior Biodiversity Officer

Meet Lewis Dickinson who leads The Parks Trust's Biodiversity team. The Senior Biodiversity Officer role is responsible for creating the charity's biodiversity strategy and managing the biodiversity team.

Parks Cleansing Operative

Watch this interview with members of The Parks Trust's Cleansing Team. The Parks Cleansing Operatives help to keep Milton Keynes' parks clean and safe for all to enjoy.