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Booking Terms and Conditions

Please complete an Enquiry Form on our website. Once we have checked dates, we will send an email link to a Booking Form for you to complete. We will then send a confirmation email with your details and links to risk assessments, session resources and map.


You will be invoiced for the full amount a month before the booking or at the time of booking if this is within a month. Please make sure you have provided the finalised booking numbers. If attendance is less, you are still required to pay the full invoice value. If attendance is more, an additional invoice will be raised. The invoice is to be paid prior to your activity date. 

Alteration to bookings

If you need to alter any arrangements please email or phone the Outdoor Learning Team as soon as you become aware that changes are necessary on 01908 233600 or and we will do our best to accommodate them. If numbers increase significantly we may have to cancel the session if we do not have sufficient staff available.


There is a high demand for the visits, especially in the summer term.  If you need to cancel your session, and the cancellation is made within 1 week of the visit, you will be charged the full amount.  If it is within two weeks, then you will be charged 50% of the full amount. We will try to find alternative dates for your trip, but it will be dependent on staff availability.

Bad weather

We do not cancel sessions due to rain unless flooding is an issue or it is considered dangerous, so all attendees must dress appropriately. On the rare occasions when there are dangerous weather conditions (storms/very high winds), sessions will be postponed, and alternative dates will be offered to schools/groups/individuals. If no alternative dates are mutually agreed, the session will be cancelled and refunded.

Start and finish times and late arrivals

Please arrive at the meeting point at the arranged time. If you are running late to the session, please contact us by phone on: 01908 233600. We will not usually be able to extend the session time and you will be still charged for the session. If snacks are to be eaten during the session, please advise of this at the time of booking the session so that we can adapt the timing of the session.

Data Protection

We do retain personal details up to the date that the event/activity you have booked onto takes place in order to be able to communicate with you concerning that event/activity where it is necessary to do so. We also retain personal details after the event/activity has taken place mainly in order to keep you informed about other events/activities that we think you may be interested in. We will only use the information we collect about you in accordance with our privacy policy.

Preparing for Your Visit


The responsibility for and discipline of the group remains with the school/group leader/accompanying parent or guardian. If the behaviour of the group or an individual is inappropriate, the Outdoor Learning Leader will stop the session.

Risk Assessments and Health and Safety

As part of your pre-visit planning preparations, our basic risk assessment template for school's to adapt can be found here. Please get in touch with us if you need our more detailed risk assessments.

If you are a school or community group, it is important that you carry out your own risk assessment, as pupil/attendee responsibility remains with you. If you are a school and need any further advice on risk assessments, the carrying of first aid kits, pupil/adult ratios etc. please speak to your school visit co-ordinator who will have all the relevant details of the requirements you need to meet.

Please contact us if you would like to arrange an accompanied pre-visit or if you have any questions about the accessibility of our activities. None of our activities involve children entering the water. All our eligible staff are DBS checked.

First Aid

All of our education staff are trained in First Aid and will carry a first aid kit. However, responsibility for first aid, including holding and administering any necessary medication, will be that of the school and supervising staff. We recommend having a tick-removal kit in your first aid kit.


Please ensure that your group is dressed appropriately for the weather, including all adults present. 

In cold weather we recommend: warm, waterproof clothing and wellies/boots. If wellies are worn, we suggest a second pair of socks is worn to keep children’s feet warm.

In warm weather we recommend: sun cream and hats. They should also bring a water bottle. As most activities will involve being on uneven ground, in and around long grass where there may be nettles, brambles, ticks and mosquitos, we recommend that children’s legs are covered and that sandals are not worn. They may also want to wear insect repellent. 

Wet weather: Trainers are not appropriate in wet weather. Wellies or boots are best.


Please be aware that there are no facilities in the parks in Milton Keynes, except at Campbell Park, Howe Park Wood and Linford Lakes Nature Reserve. Please speak to us about the facilities available if you are planning to take part in an activity at one of those locations. If there are medical conditions that require a child to have access to a toilet, we do have a toilet tent that we can set up but please let us know in advance. 


We advise that all participants wash their hands thoroughly when they return to school/home after taking part in any of our activities. This is particularly important prior to eating or drinking.

Lost Property

The Parks Trust will not be held responsible for the loss or damage of any personal belongings brought to the session.

Please contact us on 01908 233600 or if you have any queries. We look forward to your visit.