Corporate Support

We no longer host corporate volunteering tasks at The Parks Trust. However there are lots of other ways you can support us and the local community/environment, here are a few ideas:


Organise a charity walk or bike ride through our parks. We have some fantastic routes already plotted out, including our 25 mile challenge route.

Find out how to organise a fundraising event in our parks.


Care for your local park

Groups are welcome to organise their own litter pick of our parklands and we encourage business to take responsibility for the spaces adjacent to their premises to allow your employees to enjoy the advantages of getting outdoors on their breaks or before/after work. We have litter picking equipment that can be hired or if you would like to set up a more regular thing for your employees, then please get in touch with

Click here to enquire about setting up a group litter pick


Sponsor a Canal Cruise

Bedford & Milton Keynes Waterway Trust (B&MK) operate an all-electric community trip boat in Milton Keynes called Electra. They are looking to connect more people with the canal and landscapes throughout Milton Keynes by offering free trips to some community groups. Your company can contribute to the B&MK Waterway Trust fund to enable them to run sponsored cruises for groups that would not otherwise access the relaxing and different environment of the canal and parks through MK

You can also charter trips for your business as a unique venue for a meeting, an away-day, a staff leisure outing, for marketing purposes with clients or even using Electra as a unique venue for your own business activity (eg wine sampling on the water).

Get in touch to discuss any of these options  


Dragon Boat Racing

The Milton Keynes Dragon Boat Festival is mainly aimed at corporate groups who are looking for a great team building day out whilst supporting and raising money for a local charity. This annual event is organised by New Wave Events Ltd and held at Willen Lake.

Find our more and enter a team here


Team Building Activities at Willen Lake

From the Treetops high-ropes course to water sports and even archery, Willen lake hosts lots of activities that offer fun and respite and can help bring your team together. Find out more about the activities available and how to book group sessions on their website.

Discover more volunteering options for your company:

Local volunteer centre Community Action:MK have lots of links to local community groups and charities looking for employee volunteer support see their website for information.


Discover our parks