The parks and green spaces we care for contain some of Buckinghamshire’s most important wildlife habitats, including ancient woodlands, meadows and wetland reserves. As well as conserving these key sites, our team of biodiversity experts enhance opportunities for wildlife across our parkland.
Learn more about the species which call our parks home, what we do to protect them and how you can support local wildlife.

We have a team of volunteers who are dedicated to supporting our conservation and biodiversity work who carry out practical tasks and wildlife surveys.
Follow these guides to create mini-habitats at home or lend a hand to local wildlife in your garden.

A space for insects to shelter during the winter months providing a dry place to lay their eggs and create new nests sites for spring.

Planting wildflowers is a brilliant thing to do to support pollinators like bees and butterflies. Discover different ways to sow seeds in your garden.

Give birds a helping hand in winter by making a bird feeder for your garden.

Ponds are crucial habitats for a wealth of wildlife. Make a mini pond with your family and discover what nature you can attract to your garden!
Find out how we care for over 6,000 acres of green space including parks, ancient woodlands, lakes, river valleys and 80 miles of landscaped areas along the grid roads.